it roared thru here sunday night and i do mean ROARED! they had not warned us it would be this bad. 90,000 without power, 12 ft storm surge on lake ontario (did you know you could have a storm surge on a lake??) 50-60 mph gusts and lots of tree damage.
i am thankful i don't live in texas and my heart and prayers go to those who have it SO much worse than me!
anyways, we went about 9 hours without power and 30+ without phone, internet or cable. THANK GOD the internet is back! lol! i had no way of finding out what was going! it was driving me crazy! now that we had this little wind storm...i need to work on the emergency kit! i hope this isn't a preview of the winter to come!
anyways...guess what i did last night while i had no tv or internet??? edited more pics!
here's a few more random ones!
my little rocker (don't tell her its a ukelele)
this is little one's 1st day of preschool...
older dd b-day cake...
here's my fav! dd blowing out her candles...
We still have people without power! Taylor's boyfriends family just got their's back today! My parents are still without! It does make you think about having a plan of some sort! Glad you are back to normal!
i'm amazed at your photography girl! Yes, Ike was a mean one...I didn't wish it on ANYONE, but am very grateful that we didn't catch the brunt of this one. Glad you're wired again!
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