Saturday, September 20, 2008

playing tag

i got tagged by my sweet friend meredith. i am supposed to list 6 quirky things about myself.


only.6. goes:

1. i love ketchup, even eat it on my scrambled eggs.

2. i absolutely can not stand anyone else to do the family laundry or cook in my kitchen. (working on the kitchen one, but hey, i'm territorial)

3. i "nest" once or twice a those are the times i run around like a wild woman cleaning and organizing. best to not drop in during non-nesting times:) lol! you might be in for a rude awakening.

4. i absolutely can not stand being late to anything.

5. i can not stand fish. not the smell. not the feel. not the taste.

6. i always wanted to live on a farm. raise animals. manual labor all day. i know i am insane. i will have to think of some people to tag...i am far too tired tonight to think anymore!

and because i hate not including is an all digital layout i created tonight. made it for a cyber crop challenge. you had to use an owl on a layout. so there it is. enjoy!


Suzanne said...

OMG Kristy! That layout is stunning! I love every inch of it...and need i say AGAIN, the photo is just awesome! loving this though...2 thumbs up!

Mer said...

Wow girl...I LOVE that layout. It's cute and fun and fresh...totally awesome!

My dad shares your ketchup quirk...he puts it on just about everything! :D