Friday, June 27, 2008

lots of pics

as you can tell, i have been editing lots of pics. i am forbiding myself from scrapbooking another page or picking up another book to read until i have chiseled a large chunk into the unedited pile of pictures.

so for your viewing pleasure:

my neighbors poppy garden:

my daughter pleading me with her eyes to NOT take another picture...

i just couldn't resist! haha!

this is the barn at my neighbors house. i really love this picture.

if you want to check out some more pics, i posted some others on my flicker acct. hopefully the link works!
busy week ahead and the weekend hasn't even started yet! the owner of our house (right now) is coming to move out all of her stuff tomorrow...sunday we have an airshow here...and hopefully we will successfully close on this house early next week and then head onto vacation after that. it will be really nice to see everyone...the girls are excited.
hope you enjoy the pics!

Monday, June 16, 2008

eye candy

just another monday in june here. thought i would add some pics to spice things up:)

i am proud to say the biggest news around here is this little one seen here is POTTY TRAINED!! talk about excited! (at least i am). i didn't have to hardly try with her, but i figure thats making up for the painful year of potty training that her big sister put me thru.

now this beautiful piece of eye candy is from a sweet lady's yard that lives in town here. we walk by her house everyday going to school and home. she is often outside and many times we stop and talk to her. i finally asked her if i could come take pictures of her flowers and she graciously agreed. i have some others that i haven't worked on yet and then when i am done editing them, i am gonna have them printed and give her a copy...just as a little thank you.

well, i'm gonna try and post some more pics this evening, but i must go feed the natives now!

~enjoy! k

Friday, June 6, 2008

oh sweet freedom!

so my hubby picked our van up from the port on tuesday...i couldn't wait for it to get here! there are so many things i could take care of during the day if i had a car. well i forgot about one.little.detail.

we needed to get new stickers for the tag.

well they arrived today! woohoo! so i have wheels, i have freedom, (i have a/c!), and tonight, we will be able to have dinner. all because of 2 little stickers!

now i'm off to hunt down some picks to post (since i know thats really what everyone comes on here for!)


Sunday, June 1, 2008

just another day

nothing exciting to report in these here parts. we've had a lot of rain, crazy kids bouncing off the walls and a half-way unpacked house. the rest of our stuff comes this week, as does my vehicle and our new bed:)

i think i am going to finally be relieved to have my scrappy stuff back! oh, and our silverware too. really tired of using plastic forks! i think i ate part of one the other day when it broke off. yuck!

we are on the home stretch of school now...and for all of you who are already enjoying your summer stink! we don't end here for another month! thats ok...right now that is helping me keep my sanity and also giving me time to unpack everything before i have to be the full time mom again:)

will share some more pics later. gotta get them off my camera!