Thursday, July 23, 2009


i'm a dork. i am aware of this:) but imagine my surprise and total happiness when i saw this...

and to think i had given up hope that i might EVER be published...well this may be the closest i get, but dang it made me smile:)

this was in the august creating keepsakes magazine (scrapbooking magazine).


wendyp said...

woo hoo! Congratulations!!!

Fink said...

Well it works for me! Congrats!

Andrea Amu said...

I saw that and I was meaning to ask if that was you, the Kristy Cox I know! lOl! Glad I saw you post this, cuz now I know and I can offer my big "CONGRATS"! Totally cool and I'm sure whatever you've been sunmitting to them is so worthy of being published and should be!

@JoyceCasaldi said...

OMGosh that is awesome, I need to look for that! Congrats!